Survived the first week of the New Year 2010. Ended 2009 with a raging migraine and vertigo, like I haven't had enough of that for the year. We spent the weekend at Zermatt Spa and Resort in Heber Utah with Paul's family.

The kids had a great time and it was a very mini-family vacation for us. We haven't all gone somewhere together for a while, it was nice.

We walked through the ice sculptures. With the exception of Oliver who tried running through it. They were really cool, the kids loved it. It was really slippery in places. It was suprising how big they were. I wonder how long it would take for it to all melt.

We had dinner with Grandma, Aunts, Uncles, and cousins. The kids had had a full day by this time. They were really tired. Marissa at some point asked to lay down on the bench. She volunteered to go to sleep. I couldn't believe it. You know she O.D. on fun when she is asking me to put her to bed.

The next morning after a long sleepless night by me and Luke. Andrew, Marissa and Oliver decorated Gingerbread Men. They came with gummy candy buttons and hats. Oliver's was a big mess and the gummy candies were eaten before they ever made it to his gingerbread man. So there is no picture of his goopy mess.

The only down side is that the trip was to short. The kids had to get back to school. Wish we could have stayed for longer.

I think I took 20 pictures of Luke trying to get a picture of his cute smile. Sweet boy!! 2 months old already.
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