After a crazy year so far we decided to take a day trip to Tucson Arizona.
Here is a really blurry picture of our map.
We found ourselves at this museum. I had the kids sit on the curb while I got everything ready. Oliver wouldn't look at the camera, as usual.

Marissa is showing off her sucker for the picture. This made us think of The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.

Andrew is so creative. He came up with this idea all by himself. Pretend he is being chased by a rhino. If I was photoshop capable I would put them in a africa backdrop.
You have to love when holding out the camera in front of you to get a picture turns out. Paul was busy paying for our admission when I took this picture. Super cute kids.
Oliver liked the Armadillo's. This was a great museum. Kid friendly. I didn't have to stress about them touching things that they shouldn't. Oliver loved slapping the Armadillo.
Andrew in trouble.
Marissa being very brave.

The kids really got a kick out of walking under the giraffe. They went back and forth many times.
Luke riding on a musk oz. Poor guy had no idea what we were doing with him. There was no stopping us either. He was just along for the ride.
Andrew and Marissa are stretching out their hands to help show how wide the horns are. Oliver refused to participate.
This is Olivers "Grrrrrr" face. Are you scared?
Andrew the Lion. To cute to be scary.
This is the end of our museum adventures. But the day has only just started. More to come.