Andrew's Baptism August 21, 2010I cannot believe that my first born is 8 already. Time is flying by. I am so proud of him. Andrew is such a great brother and a sweet boy. I hope that never changes.

Look at this Fabulous Family!! Oh wait. Did you notice that something was missing or more appropriately someone?

Oh yes, here he is. Oliver is funny about pictures and absolutely refused to sit in our family picture.

We had so much family come out which was amazing. We feel so loved. Having just moved to another state we were so sad for Andrew that he wouldn't be able to share this moment with his extended family. We were so surprised and grateful to the Georgeson family who spent most of their weekend in the car from New Mexico to Arizona. Grandma and Grandpa Tabor for flying in from Idaho and Grandpa Iba who fly in from Utah.

Luke LOVES his cousin Emma. She held him and played with him. He has never had more snuggles in one day then when Emma came to play.

We celebrated after with lunch. We had a house full of family and felt so blessed. It was great to have a house full of those I absolutely love the most in all the world. It was a busy crazy week to get ready as we were still unpacking and worth every second to share this moment.