October 15, 2010 Part 1
Play Factory
We have been waiting to
go to the Play Factory with
Staysha. It was worth the wait.
The kids immediately got busy
This has to be my favorite one.
Even I got into the fun. Literally,
I climbed in with the kids.
I squeezed through, climbed, crawled, and slide along
with the kids.
Pour Luke spent most of
the time in his carseat.
Marissa squeezed through
just in time for a photo.
Check out Marissa and
Staysha. They are almost through the maze.
Oliver was impossible
to keep track of.
He couldn't be stopped.
Marissa is starting
to look flushed.
Luke finally got his turn.
It took him a little
bit to get into it.
He wasn't really sure
if he trusted Staysha.
He kept his eye on her.
It's time to go. Exhausted now, we are all a little tired. Marissa didn't agree.
The best part is that this day is only half over.
There is more to come.
We all ran ourselves to exhaustion. I cracked my back, twisted my ankle, jammed my knee and had TONS of fun doing it. I was so exhausted at the end I physically could not climb through it one more time. I don't even know how Oliver kept going. He was in a near constant run for two and a half hours straight.