I'd like to say charming family of 6. Probably would be more appropriate to call it like I see it. I am the ring leader of my favorite circus and it's pretty much non-stop entertainment. If I can just stay awake so I don't miss it.

November 13, 2010
The Hangar Cafe with Emma.
We were blessed with a visit from my niece for the weekend.
We couldn't wait to take her to our favorite little restaurant.

The Hangar Cafe is attached to an airplane hangar. Of course its all little planes like this one. This airport is super close to our house. These little planes are frequently flying over the neighborhood we live in.

Oliver loves airplanes. So this is the perfect place for him.

This little plane went by a couple of times. The pilot waved to Oli.

We often see vintage cars in the parking lot here. I love the experience here. It's the only airport you can get this close to without a full body pat down.