January 14, 2010. Paul and I decided we are going to put the house of for sale in March. It's going to be a very busy year. So now I have 6 weeks to clean up the house and get it ready to put on the market. We feel really good about it. I started our Super Spring Clean and Dejunk today. First day in and I am exhausted. Since Paul has been working in Provo for over a year we are going to look in the Lehi/American Fork area. I am hoping it won't take long to sale. Even with a thorough cleaning and dejunk it will be impossible to keep it clean all the time with the monkey's running around.
January 20, 2010: So I started packing up some boxes today to clean up the house to put it on the market. It felt weird.
January 27, 2010. The kids and I took a break from going through our mountains of crap and decided to make cookies.

We love making cookies and I have a lot of GREAT helpers. Sometimes the help is helpful and sometimes they are little disasters. This time Oliver dropped the 1 cup measure in the mixing bowl while it was mixing. It shot flour up and out in all directions. It made a big mess. He thought it was cool.

You can't tell very well in this picture but he had a flour cloud settle over his head. it made him look a little gray.

Marissa was all dressed up making cookies. Ready for a dance recital at any given moment. She is so cute. Some how she missed the flour storm.

Andrew can't stop laughing at this picture of Oliver.
All I can say is I told him to smile. He squinted at the flash of the camera and this is what came out of it.
Luke has discovered his hands and I have discovered that socks are the only things that will stay on his hands. He sucks on his fingers constantly. I am trying to break him of the habit. He doesn't seem to mind but he looks really silly with socks on his hands and feet all the time. He is a super happy baby.
January 28, 2010: It's safe to say I could not be busier than I am right now. It feels great to be getting stuff done though especially after being on best rest and miserable pregnant most of last year.