I'd like to say charming family of 6. Probably would be more appropriate to call it like I see it. I am the ring leader of my favorite circus and it's pretty much non-stop entertainment. If I can just stay awake so I don't miss it.

March 25, 2011

This is Marissa's family party. She was taking in all the attention all day and all night.

Cards and Presents

Wrapped up in crepe paper. This was not planned. The tape holding up the decorations started coming down so the kids came up with this.

Blowing out the candles part 2. Double wishes!! I wonder what she wished for?

We decided to go all out and since living in Arizona comes with abnormally warm weather in March. We had a sleepout for Marissa's birthday night. This could only be pulled off in Arizona in March.

We completed the evening with "Tangled", one of Marissa's b-day presents.

This was lots of fun. We filled up the blow up mattress and all squeezed onto it for the night. It was a great ending to a great birthday. We love our Marissa so much and are so grateful that she is in our family and proud of the wonderful girl she is. WE LOVE YOU MARISSA!!!

It should be noted I slept great, only because I chased a birthday party all day. The next night we slept out again and added Oliver to the mix. It was managed, but only just barely. There was without a doubt one to many on the blowup mattress but no one wanted to sleep on the ground or go inside.

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