I'd like to say charming family of 6. Probably would be more appropriate to call it like I see it. I am the ring leader of my favorite circus and it's pretty much non-stop entertainment. If I can just stay awake so I don't miss it.

April 4, 2010

April 4, 2010
Happy Easter!!
We have such goofy kids. I love them. They just crack me up. I have no idea what is going on in this picture. What ever happened to look at me and smile.

Marissa just can't get enough of soft fluffy, stuffed animals. Each new one is her favorite.

Oliver is always teasing. He can't help himself, it's in his nature.
Soon he will figure out that if he puts his hand infront of the lens
he will really get a reaction. Then we will never have a picture of him.

It makes me sad sometimes to see Andrew so big. They just grow up to fast. I love it that my kids are happy.

I love it that they are so easy to please. We have been throwing every holiday and birthday together so far this year as things have just been to crazy.

April 5: So we have had RSV go through (Mom and Luke). Then pneumonia (Marissa). Then the flu (Oliver and Luke). Now an ear infection (Oliver). I am never going to get a good night sleep again.