I'd like to say charming family of 6. Probably would be more appropriate to call it like I see it. I am the ring leader of my favorite circus and it's pretty much non-stop entertainment. If I can just stay awake so I don't miss it.

July 26, 2010 First Day of School

First Day of School
July 26, 2010

School started a month early for us this year. We discovered this 2 weeks before their start date. I spent one of those weeks shoveling out the office which wasn't unpacked. I had to find
their birth certificates and immunization records.

I discovered Marissa's birth certificate had been misplaced in the move. Giving me the opportunity to go through every piece of paper we own trying to find it. I did finally, in the LAST place I looked. Turned the whole office upside down and I wasn't planning on unpacking until we painted. Grrrrr......

Two advantages to our move. The kids get to ride the bus and as of now they think that is AWESOME!! The other is that it's within walking distance from the house. However as we discovered this day, you d
rive in the summer. It's already in the 90's outside and the humidity is high. See all the cars parked on the street, those are the parents who know better.

To drive this point home for me, I walked at pick up time as well. Telling myself that it's lazy and ridiculous to drive when the pick up is so close. I decided after this day that there is no shame in driving. I was sweating waiting for the bus and the poor kids were already exhausted and had to walk home from the bus.

Look at how happy they are. Make a note: The kids have to take water bottles to school, which we freeze the night before so they will stay cold longer. The drinking fountains can't keep the water cold in this heat. Crazy!!
Look how happy they are!!

All day kindergarden is rough.

Good thing Marissa's teacher sent her home with a small bag of hershey's kisses that melted 3 seconds after walking out of the classroom. The effort of licking the chocolate off the ziplock bag woke her up.

First day was a success!! She then spent the next two hours talking my ear off detailing out her day. I was exhausted by the time she was done.