I'd like to say charming family of 6. Probably would be more appropriate to call it like I see it. I am the ring leader of my favorite circus and it's pretty much non-stop entertainment. If I can just stay awake so I don't miss it.

Aug 1-8, 2010

Cute kid pictures of the week.

Luke fell asleep snuggling with his Mom. Look at how cute he is.

Happy Luke.

Oliver takes the goofiest pictures. I should be thankful he has stopped turning away from the camera or covering his face.

Now he pinches his cheek or points at his eye.

He has also decided he is to big for naps. So he won't go down for one. Instead he will randomly collapse into a sleep coma. This time on my bed.

This is one of my favorite pictures of Luke. Look at those big blue eyes. I can't believe how big he is getting. Standing up already. He's only 9 months old.

Marissa, hanging out in her swimsuit, eating pizza backwards in her chair. My legs are tingling just thinking about the circulation being cutoff. She's always changing it up.

August 2nd, I took the kids to the bus and without warning just as the bus pulls up Marissa starts sobbing. Through her incoherent sobs I gather she has decided she doesn't want to go to school. She was fine all morning so I told her that I would pick her up half day and she agreed that that would be okay and went off to school.

I rushed around getting all my shopping done so I could pick her up before lunch. Dragged both boys into the school to sign her out with groceries melting in the hot sun in the car. Tried as best as I could to keep the boys from being to loud while I waited for her to come out. She finally rounds the corner sobbing. We sit down while I try to find out what is wrong. Only to be told that she has changed her mind and really REALLY doesn't want to go home early. Uhhhhh, girls. I told her it was too late and made her come home. Maybe once she realizes that she isn't missing anything at home she will choose to stay in school from now on.