I'd like to say charming family of 6. Probably would be more appropriate to call it like I see it. I am the ring leader of my favorite circus and it's pretty much non-stop entertainment. If I can just stay awake so I don't miss it.

Favorite Pictures From 8/12-9/3

Moms memorable Moments!!!


I hope there is never any doubt that I LOVE my kids. I just think they are so wonderful. Luke is a super happy baby. It has made all the difference with this year being so frantic and crazy.

Then we have Oliver that I am pretty sure has never had a dull moment so far in his life. Here he is after a bath, stealing a drink from Mom's soda. Standing on the stool while doing so, for reasons unknown.

Then we have Andrew that is not a little boy at all anymore. I am in awe of how grown up he is. He is such a
thoughtful and good kid. I hope this never changes.

Ohhhhh!!!! The standard baby falling asleep in the highchair pose. For some reason this just never gets old.

Oliver has discovered super heroes. He loves Superman and Batman. Batman slightly more though.

BOYS, BOYS, BOYS!!! Our house is full of crazy, wild, over-active boys and we have TONS of fun, as you can see.