I'd like to say charming family of 6. Probably would be more appropriate to call it like I see it. I am the ring leader of my favorite circus and it's pretty much non-stop entertainment. If I can just stay awake so I don't miss it.

Playing at the Park
December 20, 2010
Just days before Christmas.

Luke has stood his ground and has made it clear he is to big to sit in the stroller and play spectator at the park. He is going to run and play just like everyone else. Now he just doesn't know where to start.

Here is Oliver and Andrew starting a trench.

I had to take these pictures. It was really strange. Playing in the sand at the park. With the green grass and a breeze. With Christmas right around the corner. Our first Christmas with no snow.

Its almost short weather all the time. Oliver loves pants so he is wearing them this day. They were not necessary by any means.

We bought a lighted Christmas cactus to decorate our desert home. We felt it was appropriate.


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