I'd like to say charming family of 6. Probably would be more appropriate to call it like I see it. I am the ring leader of my favorite circus and it's pretty much non-stop entertainment. If I can just stay awake so I don't miss it.

Eagle Mountain Utah
Last week in Utah. Played at Aunt Ali's in Eagle Mountain.
Marissa played with one of her favorite cousins and got a little crazy with the dressups.
June 6, 2010

The kids played really hard. Lots of running. Poor Andrew looked worn out. It was a great.

We sat out on the front lawn and visited. It was so nice. Luke enjoyed hanging out on his blanket on the lawn.

June 10, 2010
We hit the road. Instead of dropping down through St. George we cut through the mountains. Mom (Grandma Tabor) came with us to help us get through the drive. We had all sick kids and drove till early morning.

We slept in Flagstaff and then headed to Phoenix.
This is a picture at a rest stop just out of Phoenix.
I love Oliver's face. I have no idea what he did to make this face.

It's definitely one of my favorite photos. This is the last photo I took with my camera for a month. I couldn't find my charger. I was convinced that it was somewhere in the van that was full of moving crap. A month later I figured out we had left it at Aunt Ali's. Thanks Ali for mailing it to me =0).


  1. The funniest thing I remember about that day you were at my house, was when you were all loaded up in the van ready to hit the road and you told the kids you were stopping at Aunt Jenni's in Provo on your way out of town. Marissa asked if you could make cupcakes at Jenni's house. It was funny she thought of making cupcakes!?!?!

  2. I forgot about that. She is so random. That was madness. We had 2 sick kids, leaving for a 12 hour road trip and she wants a quick cupcake pit stop in 30 minutes at Aunt Jenny's gluten free home. She keeps it interesting. I'll never forget her asking if were going home the day after we moved out of our house. I spent the whole week talking about it, celebrating it and then the next day: "So Mom, are we going to go home now." Still cracks me up just thinking about it.
