April 1-9, 2011
Oliver came in with this helmet on backwards. He said he was a super hero. He thought this little flap was supposed to hang down over his eyes. I didn't correct him. Watching him try to wear it this way was adorable. I couldn't stop laughing.

Luke, climbing, just being himself.
Oliver has to try everything on. So it would only seem right to take the t-shirt off the teddy bear and slip it on. Looked great on the bear, looks terrific on Oliver. He has not yet been "Stuffed in San Francisco" but when he is someday, he can say he already had the t-shirt and have the picture to prove it.
The kids were being cute today and I wanted to get a group shot. There is nothing like a group photo that really shows how a family works. Here, for example, there is always someone missing.
Or someone who doesn't want to be there in the first place.
There is that raging vengeance you feel for the other.
(I love how Andrew is staying cool but prepared to defend himself if necessary.)
Oliver is Captain Oblivious, as usual.
This picture is taken in the same minute as the last. Says just smile and
get it over with so Mom will let us get back to our lives.
Still missing one.
A mothers dream. Get a great group shot with everyone present and
manage it in the first 10 photos.
A lofty goal set for next attempt.
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