I'd like to say charming family of 6. Probably would be more appropriate to call it like I see it. I am the ring leader of my favorite circus and it's pretty much non-stop entertainment. If I can just stay awake so I don't miss it.

March 1-14, 2010

It's safe to say we haven't really been playing very much. There has been a lot of work going on.

March 3, 2010: Paul will be starting his job sooner then expected. Starting Monday it's all me with the 4 kids for 4 days. I'm feeling a little nervous about it. We are racing to get the house up on the market. Pray for a quick sale people. I'm going to need all the help I can get.
March 13, 2010: BABY BLESSING IS CANCELLED!! Luke has RSV and I am coming down with it as well. Poor guy. He is miserable. It's put a kink in the whole put the house on the market thing as well. I am miserable as well.

March 13, 2010: The pictures of the house are finally done. Cleaning out the house and finishing up projects have taken up all of our time for most part. I am excited that we are done. I have scrubbed, dejunked, and packed up stuff we don't need this spring and summer. It safe to say my house has never looked this clean.
We will have to get a better picture of the front of the house after the snow melts.

Take it in. The cleanest ever. Clean windows, walls, cupboards. I need a nap just looking at the pictures.

You would never believe 4 kids live in the house by looking at the pictures.

It looks like a professional organizer lives here. All the closets are even organized.
I am nervous about keeping the house clean by myself. I couldn't decide if I should post all of the rooms. But they all look like this. Kids room, play room, even the storage room looks super neat and tidy.

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